Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Ok, ok, so I have been sucking at this weight loss thing for some months now. Between being unemployed, drepressed, and stressed the eff out, I have been doing awful! I haven't lost squat! Counting calories suck balls and its annoying. I guess my new strategy will be to eat small amounts and only when I am hungry. This is my biggest challenge, since I'm typically a grazer and a picker. Since I recently got a new job, some motivation is sneaking back. Partially because I'm not as depressed, and majorly because I can't fit into my "fat" jeans and its not going to be capris weather pertty soon AND my "fat" scrubs are getting too tight. Sad day! On the flip side, I am looking forward to fall and being able to wear hoodies and stuff. Winter, not so much, but fall, yes.

I actually went to the gym today... first time in months! It felt pretty good. I only did 30 min on the elliptical, but its better than no minutes AND I burned like 427 calories (according to the machine) in that 30 min. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself :) I was tearing it up! I've been thinking about taking up running, if my asthma would allow it. Runner's World has a program that looks pretty good. Would probably help me lose weight fast too... that would be SOOOOOO nice!! We'll see. Hopefully, I can do better so I won't be so embarrassed to post stuff on here and make myself look like the complete slacker that I am. ;)


  1. Good job on the elliptical. I hate those machines and wouldn't last longer than 30 min. The Fall weather will be so nice to walk in. Let me know if you need someone to walk with.

  2. Girl I seriously can't do five minutes on the elliptical! Treadmill is easier for me, but holy moly 30 minutes?? Wtg!! Just take it one decision at a time!
